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Brain Tumor Assessment, Pre and Post Operative Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing Assessment for Brain Tumor1. Health Perception and Health Management
- A family history of tumors.
- Exposed to excess radiation.
- A history of visual problems; lost visual acuity and diplopia.
- Alcohol Addiction, heavy smokers.
- There was a feeling abnormal.
- Personality disorder / hallucinations.
- History of epilepsy.
- Loss of appetite
- The presence of nausea, vomiting during the acute phase.
- The loss of sensation on the tongue, cheeks and throat.
- Difficulty swallowing (interference on the palate and pharyngeal reflex).
- Changes in the pattern of urination and bowel movements (incontinence).
- Bowel sounds; negative.
- Disorders of muscle tone, the muscle weakness, impaired level of consciousness.
- Risk of trauma due to epilepsy.
- Hamiparese, ataxia.
- vision disorders.
- Feel tiredness, loss of sensation.
- Hard or easy to relax and fall asleep.
- Dizziness.
- Headache.
- weakness.
- Tinnitus.
- Motor aphasia.
- Loss of sensory stimuli contra-lateral.
- Impaired sense of taste, smell and sight.
- Decline in memory, problem solving.
- Lost the ability influx of visual stimuli.
- Impairment of consciousness up to coma.
- Not able to record images.
- Not able to distinguish right / left.
- The feeling of helplessness and despair.
- Emotions unstable and difficult to express.
- Speech problems.
- The existence of disturbances and irregularities.
- Influence / relationship to disease.
- Existence of feelings of anxiety, fear, impatient or angry.
- Coping mechanism commonly used.
- Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness.
- Emotional response to the client's current status.
- People who help in solving the problem.
- Irritability.
- The religion, whether religious activities interrupted.
Nursing Diagnosis for Brain Tumor Pre-Surgery
- Imbalanced Nutrition Less than Body Requirements related to nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite / growth of cancer cells.
- Acute Pain / Chronic Pain ; head related to the growth of cancer cells in the brain.
- Impaired physical mobility related to movement disorders and weakness.
- Impaired Verbal Communication related to damage to the cerebral circulation.
- Low self-esteem related to dependency, role changes, changes in self-image.
- Knowledge Deficit; about the condition and treatment of diseases related to lack of information.
- Anxiety related to surgical plan.
Nursing Diagnosis for Brain Tumor Post-Surgery
- Acute Pain related to the effects of surgery.
- Low self-esteem related to dependency, role changes, changes in self-image.
- Knowledge Deficit; about brain tumors related to ignorance about resources
- Anxiety related to chronic disease and an uncertain future.
Brain Tumor - 4 Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions
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