Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

Brain Tumor - 4 Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

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Brain Tumor - 4 Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

Nursing Care Plan for Brain Tumor

Tumor is a general term covering any benign growth in every part of the body. This growth was not intended, is growing at the expense of the parasite and the human host.

Brain tumor is a benign tumor on the lining of the brain or one of the brain.

Brain carcinoma (malignant) is a neoplasm that grows in the lining of the brain.

Neoplasm is a collection of abnormal cells formed by cells that grow continuously in a limited, uncoordinated with the surrounding tissue and not useful to the body.

Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions for Brain Tumor

I. Acute Pain / Chronic Pain related to the effects of surgery.

Goal: Pain is reduced until it disappears after the act of nursing.

  • Clients can perform activities without feeling pain.
  • Relaxed facial expression.
  • Clients demonstrate discomfort disappear.
1. Assess the level of pain (location, duration, intensity, quality) every 4-6 hours.
R /: As an early indicator in determining the next intervention.

2. Assess the patient's general condition and vital signs.
R /: As an early indicator in determining the next intervention.

3. Give a pleasant position for the patient.
R /: To assist patients in controlling pain.

4. Give a lot of time resting and less visitors as desired patient.
R /: Can reduce physical and emotional discomfort.

5. Collaboration with physicians in drug delivery.
R /: To assist in the healing of patients.

II. Low self-esteem related to dependency, role changes, changes in self-image.

Goal: Impaired self-resolved after the act of nursing.

Outcomes: Clients can be confident with the disease state.

1. Assess the response, and the patient's family's reaction to disease and treatment.
R /: To simplify the process approach.

2. Assess the relationship between patient and close family members.
R /: Support families helps in the healing process.

3. Involve everyone nearby in education and home care planning.
R /: Can ease the burden on the handling and adaptation at home.

4. Give time / listen to the things that become complaints.
R /: continuous support will facilitate the adaptation process.

III. Knowledge Deficit: about brain tumors related to ignorance about resources.

Goal: Information about self care and nutritional status is understood, after the act of nursing for 1 x 24 hours.

The client expressed an understanding of the information provided.
Client states of consciousness and changes in patterns of self-care plan.

1 Assess the patient's level of knowledge.
R /: To determine the level of knowledge in the receipt of information, so as to give correct information.

2 Discuss the relationship of the causative agent of the disease.
R /: To provide an understanding to the patient about the things that trigger the disease.

3 Explain the signs and symptoms of perforation.
R /: Symptoms of perforation is pain in the chest.

4 Explain the importance of the environment without stress.
R /: To prevent an increase in sympathetic stimulation.

5. Discuss implementation method of stress.
R /: How stress management: relaxation, exercise and medication.

IV. Anxiety related to chronic disease and an uncertain future.

Goal: Anxiety can be minimized after the act of nursing.

Outcomes: Anxiety is reduced.

1. Listen patiently client complaints.
R /: Facing issues of patients and need to be explained and opened the way to resolve it.

2. Answering questions from clients and families, with friendly.
R /: Make sure the patient and believe.

3. Encourage client and family confide.
R /: Creating trust and decrease misperceptions.

4. Using therapeutic communication techniques.
R /: Establishing a trust relationship the patients.

5. Give the physical comfort of the patient.
R /: It is difficult to accept with the issue when it experiences extreme emotional / physical discomfort persist.

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