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List of The Famous Nurses
Florence NightingaleFlorence Nightingale, the daughter of the wealthy landowner, William Nightingale of Embly Park, Hampshire, was born in Florence, Italy, on 12th May, 1820. Her father was a Unitarian and a Whig who was involved in the anti-slavery movement. As a child, Florence was very close to her father, who, without a son, treated her as his friend and companion. He took responsibility for her education and taught her Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, history, philosophy and mathematics.
Betty Neuman
Born 1924 near Lowell, Ohio.
In 1947 she received RN Diploma from Peoples Hospital School of Nursing, Akron, Ohio. She then moved to California and gained experience as a hospital, staff, and head nurse; school nurse and industrial nurse; and as a clinical instructor in medical-surgical, critical care and communicable disease nursing. In 1957 Dr. Neuman attended the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) with double major in psychology and public health. She received BS in nursing from UCLA. In 1966 she received Masters degree in Mental Health, Public Health Consultation fom UCLA.
Dr. Neuman is recognized as pioneer in the field of nursing involvement in community mental health. She began developing her model while lecturing in community mental health at UCLA. In 1972 her model was first published as a 'Model for teaching total person approach to patient problems' in Nursing Research. In 1985 she received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Pacific Western University. In 1998 she received a second honorary doctorate, this one from Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan.
Virginia Henderson
Virginia Henderson was born on November 30, 1897 in Kansas City, Missouri, and was the fifth of eight children in her family.
In 1921, Henderson graduated from the Army School of Nursing at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C. In 1932, she earned her Bachelor's Degree and in 1934 earned her Master's Degree in Nursing Education, both from Teachers College at Columbia University.
Henderson died on March 19, 1996.
Sister Calista Roy
Sr. Callista Roy, PhD, RN, FAAN was born in Los Angeles, CA, the second child of 7 sons and 7 daughters of Pirth Hemenway and Fabien Roy. Following a BA with a major in Nursing from Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles, she earned masters degrees in Pediatric Nursing and Sociology and a PhD in Sociology from University of California, Los Angeles.
Ida Jean Orlando
Ida Jean Orlando was born in 1926 with an Irish American descent. She received her nursing diploma from New York Medical College, Lower Fifth Avenue Hospital, School of Nursing, her BS in public health nursing from St. John’s University, Brooklyn, NY, and her MA in mental health nursing from Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. Orlando was an Associate Professor at Yale School of Nursing where she was Director of the Graduate Program in Mental Health Psychiatric Nursing.
Martha Elizabeth Rogers
Martha Elizabeth Rogers was born on May 12, 1914; sharing a birthday with Florence Nightingale. She began her academic career when she entered the University of Tennessee in Knoxville in 1931 where she remained for 2 years.
She stated that: "I took the science-med course. It was more substantial than straight pre-med and included more science and maths. I took psychology, French, Zoology, Genetics, Embryology and many other courses" (Hektor, 1989).
Hildegard Peplau
Hildegard Peplau was born in Reading Pennsylvania on September 1st, 1909. After graduating from the Pootstown, Pennsylvania Hospital School of Nursing in 1931 she worked as an operating room supervisor at Pottstown Hospital. She later recieved a B. A. in interpersonal psychology from Bennington College, Vermont, in 1943, an M.A in psychiatric nursing from Teacher's College, Columbia, New York, in 1947, and an Ed. D in curriculum development from Columbia in 1953.
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